FedEx Freight and ShipTime Bring You More Great LTL Freight Shipping Options

FedEx Freight is one of 7 freight carriers on the ShipTime platform, giving you more ways to Ship Smarter™!

About FedEx Freight:

FedEx Freight provides reliable and time-definite delivery for your palletized freight weighing between 150 and 2,200 lbs per piece within Canada and cross border to and from the U.S..

FedEx Freight Benefits:

 – Nationwide Network – book freight across Canada with FedEx Freight Economy or FedEx Freight Priority

 – Increased Visibility – automatic pallet-level tracking for updates every step of the way

 – Unparalleled delivery speed and a variety of special handling options


Selecting FedEx Freight:

Simply select “FedEx Freight” as your carrier when building your shipment, log in now to get started!

Shipping Smarter Has Never Been So Easy!